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The Art of Holding Back

This is the first in a series of mini thought-bytes from my experiences.

There will be a lot of times when your actions will be misinterpreted or your words will be misconstrued in unimaginable ways. It’s bound to happen more than once in your career, so what can you do about it ?

The first step is to have an open conversation with whoever raised the concern, and listen, not talk. That itself will make it clear that you have taken the right approach. If you don’t listen and react emotionally, it just puts you in the vulnerable position of having to apologize for reacting.

It’s always wiser, and there are no exceptions, to be the silent person in the conversation. No matter what the situation, it can be diffused only when one side is silent and listens. The others have no option but to step back and have a thought as well.

The courage to hold back & listen, when all your senses are saying you should react, is a skill to be developed. Most take a life time and never get there. Some try and try and eventually do get there. Which one do you want to be ?